White Borders For Framing
Framing of Lustre Paper and Metallic paper prints typically requires a small border around all four sides of a print whereas, block mounting does not. A border allows the framer to fix a print securely into position within the frame by using a cardboard mat.
A cardboard mat also helps to keep the surface of the print from touching the inside of the frame’s glass.
Following advice to Strohtography from experienced framers, we provide the option for Lustre paper and Metallic Paper prints that are intended for framing to be provided with a white border to all four sides of a print.
Due to the aspect ratio of printing papers, the white borders where provided are a minimum of 5mm on two sides of a print, and greater than 5mm on the remaining two sides.
Borderless prints are available from Strohtography for customers where the prints are intended to be block mounted with the four edges of a print flush with the edges of the mount. In this situation, a border is not required.
It is important for customers to ensure they order their prints with or without borders, to suit their intended framing/mounting method.