Singapore Gardens Planet - Motion Blur 3

Singapore, just north of the equator, is a beautiful modern city-state. With a focus on clean, healthy spaces to live in and an abundance of parks it is a magnificent place to holiday and explore.

The Gardens by the Bay is one such nature park, a tranquil series of waterfront gardens adjacent to the marina reservoir. Within the gardens lies the ‘Supertree Grove,’ elegant tree-like structures, man-made vertical gardens, housing over 200 species of plants. At night these impressive towers are gently illuminated, and twice a night they feature a stunning light show set to music.

This quite surreal Panoramic Planet was created from images taken while the camera was changing position during the light show causing the lights to blur, which ended up being quite a beautiful effect. These images are somewhat of a happy accident; I wanted to keep the noise reduction function running on my camera, that way I wouldn’t miss any shots of the light show, so I kept the camera imaging as I changed positions. The resulting photos turned out to be more than worthy of creating a Panoramic Planet image themselves!
