Lion Planet

Lions are one of the most recognisable animals on Earth, powerful, regal predators native to Africa and India. They can grow to 230kg, and with a roar that can be heard over 5 kilometres away they are mighty creatures, yet at the same time are quite graceful to watch as they prowl about for food.

One of the male lion's most distinctive features is its large mane. Studies have found that the darkness of a lion’s mane is linked to how much testosterone is being produced and how dominant that lion is, with darker manes signalling stronger males that are more likely to protect their prides and more likely to father healthy cubs.

This particular male, with his dark mane, is the older dominant male of the pride. Imaged here gazing at the fading light over the African Bushveld, he complements the stunning mountain range behind magnificently. He sat and rested for a few minutes, deep in thought, before moving on to observe a herd of wildebeest.
